S&Cs  I  ATCs  I PTs

Level Up Your Knowledge, Impact and Career in 6 weeks.

Level Up Your Knowledge, Impact and Career in 6 Weeks.

Level Up Your Knowledge, Impact and Career in 8 weeks.

The Applied Performance Coach Certification and Mentorship is a
6-week live online course that will accelerate your understanding, application and confidence in performance science and coaching.

Apply Now

Fall Cohort will begin November 3rd, 2024

Trusted by the professionals, with coaches in the following leagues:

Coaching is Tough.

Filtering through all the information to find the salient stuff

Wondering how to apply stuff in the real world

Not knowing where to go to take learning to the next level

Being unable to translate theory into practice

Takes a long time to climb the ladder

Lack of real-world applicable services

Being an effective coach is not easy.

Whether you’re a strength coach, athletic trainer or physical therapist, we all face the same challenges; applying theoretical science, coaching athletes and clients in the real world and trying to filter through the copious volumes of information and noise to figure out what’s actually important.

In the modern world, we all have access to unprecedented amounts of information but what do you do with all that? How can you filter it down and draw out what’s actually useful?

And it’s not just about knowing the theory and the science. To be an effective coach you need to be able to apply that in practice, understand human behaviour and inspire performance from your athletes.

Not an easy feat. 

With a seemingly endless list of courses, certifications, mentorships, and resources available, it can be difficult to know where to start..

That's where the APCC program can help.

But wait, who are you?

My name’s Dr. Ramsey Nijem (Ram for short) and I’ve been coaching for over 10 years.

After completing my Masters degree at the age of 22, I was recruited into the NBA by the Sacramento Kings in 2014 working as the assistant strength and conditioning coach. Two years later, at the age of 25, I was promoted to the role of Head S&C and in the process became the youngest Head S&C Coach in NBA history. 

At the age of 27 I completed my doctorate and soon after that, I was poached by the University of Kansas Men's Basketball programme to join their coaching staff as the Director of Sport Performance. Within the first year, we were the number one team in the country and last year we won the National Championship.

Of course, I don’t claim to be the reason behind Kansas’ success, nor do I claim to be inherently special as the youngest S&C coach in NBA history - timing and hard work played a big role in that. 

But I can confidently claim that all these examples have provided me with a wealth of experience and knowledge that I know other coaches could benefit from and I’ve tried to bring all these learnings together in this course to help other coaches reach their potential.

...Ramsey is in a class of his own. Whatever this man does needs all your attention and respect...
Cory Schlesinger
Detroit Pistons, NBA

The Performance Program for Performance Coaches

The APCC program condenses over 10 years of coaching experience at the highest level of sport into an immersive, 6-week live online course.
Throughout my journey I’ve focused on two main areas which I feel are key to succeeding as a coach - increasing theoretical knowledge about the subject and understanding how to apply that knowledge practically.

Over the past decade, I’ve taken so many courses that either focus on the classroom or the coaching. You’re either overwhelmed with theory, with no application. Or told how to apply something with no background theory.

This course aims to provide the bridge. 

The bridge between science and application.

The bridge between theory and practice.

The bridge between the classroom and the coaching.

The bridge between the learning and the doing.
Whether you're an experienced coach or just getting started, this program will elevate your skill and impact in your role by deepening your expertise in the fundamental areas of strength and conditioning, giving you confidence to apply evidence-based sport performance principles within your context and help advance your career in your setting.

And we’re not talking about abstract ideas.
Every element of the course has been designed to develop a different element of your skillset and bridge the gap between learning and application. 

Whether you're a strength and conditioning coach, athletic trainer, physical therapist or other professional who works in sport performance, this course will take your game to the next level and ultimately accelerate your growth and ability to help the individuals and teams you work with.

If you commit just 6 weeks to your growth, this course is everything you need to take the next steps as a professional.

By the end of this course you will...

Enhance your Knowledge

You’ll have deepened your content expertise and enhanced your knowledge in key areas to become an expert in your sector.

Increase your Confidence

You’ll have the confidence to translate theoretical learning into coaching practice and use that skillset with the athletes you work with.

Join the Network

You’ll be in a stronger position to develop your skills by having access to a network that can help accelerate your learning and develop your career.

Find your Community

You’ll join a community of coaches all motivated by the same desire to drive themselves and those around them to greater success.

Broaden your Opportunities

You'll be uniquely positioned to apply for coaching jobs across every league, accelerating your career in this competitive industry.

Spark your Passion

You’ll rekindle your passion for coaching and applied performance because you’ll be more confident in your own abilities.

...during the time that I have known Ramsey, what sticks out to me is his undeniable passion for helping others and a dedicated pursuit of self-development...
Joey Harty
Sporting KC, MLS
but does it actually work?

Do you need my course to be a successful coach? 

Of course not! I wouldn’t claim that every successful coach has been through my program.

But the course will save you time, accelerate your learning and advance your career in ways that you might never have imagined.

And we’ve got the stats to prove it.

We have over 30 coaches across the professional leagues and hundreds of coaches making impact across all levels of performance.

Coaches are clearly finding the course valuable.

We've had zero refunds.

who are the coaches behind these numbers?

Brian Serrano, PhD, D.C, ATC, APC - Chicago Bulls

I have the privilege of speaking after obtaining a Ph.D. and this course bridged the gap between academia, the classroom, and weight room in ways I never received before. To say I highly recommend the APC to every performance coach would be an understatement.

Bobby Moore, PT, DPT, APC - USA Volleyball

When it's all said and done, Applied Performance Coach will be one of the most influential courses I've committed to in my professional career. Dr. Ramsey has elegantly composed his professional experience and Doctorate into 12 weeks, including a community format that promotes accountability, collaboration, and professional development for coaches of all levels. The value and experience here is truly top-notch.

Trent McMaster, CSCS, APC - New York Mets

Dr. Nijem puts together a well-rounded course for anyone that is interested in increasing their knowledge to build resilient athletes! The weekly meetings are enjoyable and interactive and topics are communicated thoroughly.

who the course is for...

But will the course work for me?

I can’t put in the effort for you and I can’t guarantee that you’ll get a job in one of these leagues just by taking the course. But if you do the work and engage with the community throughout the 8 weeks, you’ll definitely stack the deck in your favour.

And, by joining the course, you’ll be within a network that can help accelerate your skills and career in the sector. 

❌ But, having said all that -  this course isn't for you if:

-> You’re taking the course just to put more letters after your name. This isn’t a passive "add letters to my resume" programme. You'll be expected to read research, complete assignments, apply this knowledge in your current role and complete both a capstone project and final exam to earn the certification.

-> You’re not willing to buy into the philosophy of a rising tide lifts all boats. This isn’t a solo endeavour. The power of learning from others in the community cannot be understated and if you’re not prepared to engage with other coaches to enhance the group, then this course probably isn’t for you.

-> You’re looking for a magic bullet to work in the top US sports leagues. It doesn’t work like that. If you’re not prepared to put in the effort and properly engage in both the learning and the application of the material, this course isn’t for you.

✅ However, this course is for you if:
-> You are excited to engage with the course properly, complete all your assignments, apply your learnings in the real world and engage with your peers. Above all, if you’re passionate about developing your skills, then this course is for you and you'll be a valuable member of the community.

Strength & Conditioning Coaches

-> Most resemble me, it’s the course I built for me. Learning from someone who’s actually done the thing. Provides the playbook and knowledge of how to follow my path.

Athletic Trainers

-> Not had formal education on a lot of these topics, more supplemental to what they do; big part of rehab is to understand some of the key facets of strength and conditioning. If you don’t understand strength, power, hypertrophy, velocity, recovery, workload management, then your rehabs won’t be the best they could be. Your rehab process will immediately improve if you sign up to this course.

Physical Therapists


Apply Now
...Applied Performance Coach is a must have course for anyone looking to further their practical education using evidence-based means...
Andy King
San Francisco Giants, MLB
What's inside?

Topics covered include (but are not limited to) the following:

- Evidence Based Practice and Research Fundamentals
- Needs Analysis and Individualization
- Strength, Hypertrophy, Power Development
- Assessing and Targeting the Strength-Speed Continuum
- Force-Velocity Profiling and Manipulating
- Speed, Agility, and Change of Direction
- Practical Conditioning Methods

- Periodization and Performance Planning
- Prehab and Return to Performance
- Workload Monitoring and Management
- Tapering, Recovery, and Flexible Training Practices
- Coaching Relationships, Culture and Leadership
- Professionalism, Networking and Growth Execution
- Guest Lectures from Industry & Non-Industry Thought Leaders

Course Curriculum

Over the 6 weeks you will be fully immersed in the most comprehensive and applied performance education available. We will cut through the noise and cover the most relevant information you need to know to be an effective coach and leader.

The course is dynamic so the range of topics covered is not limited to the curriculum. Each week we will have 2-3 recorded lectures along with 1 weekly live lecture and Q&A. All calls are recorded so you can watch on your own time if you are unable to make the live coaching calls.

Evidence Based Practice in Sport Performance
Strength & Hypertrophy
Power & Velocity Based Training
Speed & Agility
Conditioning (ESD)
Individualized Training & Periodization
Recovery & Return to Play
Workload Monitoring and Management
Leadership and Growth


Retrieve, appraise & apply.

mini topic

mini topic

mini topic

mini topic

mini topic

mini topic

mini topic


Subtitle for this main segment.

mini topic

mini topic

mini topic

mini topic

mini topic

mini topic

mini topic

bonus resources

Discount to APC Annual Summit

Lifetime Access to Course

6 Weeks Live

8+ Units On Demand

8+ Bonus Lectures

12 Certifying Quizzes


...APC combines a comprehensive summary of current research related to the most impactful areas of sport performance with high level mentorship and an incredible community of coaches...
Kevin Neeld, PhD
Bostin Bruins, NHL



The Applied Performance
Coach Certification




6 Weekly Live Lecture and Q&A Sessions

20+ Recorded Lectures

50+ Hours of Live and Recorded Content

Discount to APC Annual Summit

Lifetime Access to Course

Join APC Community and Network


Apply Now ->

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

I want an investment in this course to be an absolute no-brainer for you. So, if you watch the video lessons, complete the tasks, and still don’t find the course useful, drop me an email and I’ll happily refund your full payment within 30 days of purchasing the course.


Hear what people have to say

"Huge contribution to our field"

Coach Ramsey is an elite performance coach with a rare combination of interpersonal communication skills, mentorship, and research level theory and approach. He is one of the most impressive coaches I have ever met but more importantly is the brotherhood and kinship we share. The APC course is a small piece of his genius but a huge contribution to our field. All of the young up and coming performance coaches who aspire into becoming successful in their coaching journey should invest in their professional development starting with this course.

Coach Mike G

GBG Hoops
"High level mentorship"

One of the biggest challenges sport performance coaches face is interpreting and applying emerging research into their programs. APC combines a comprehensive summary of current research related to the most impactful areas of sport performance with high level mentorship and an incredible community of coaches across sports looking to get better. Ramsey has created a much-needed opportunity for coaches at all levels to continue pushing their development.

Kevin Neeld PhD

Bostin Bruins, NHL
"Undeniable Passion"

During the time that I have known Ramsey, what sticks out to me is his undeniable passion for helping others and a dedicated pursuit of self-development. These traits are infectious in the way he communicates and interacts with others. I had the privilege of participating in the APC cohort this year and was impressed by the attention to detail. This program is not for the faint of heart, but if you desire to progress yourself in your current role or profession, this is it. Whether you’re an up and coming professional or a seasoned coach, associating yourself with Ramsey and the APC will challenge you to grow. What I appreciate the most is the culture engrained in the program, coaches uplifting and helping one another. Ultimately, this is what it is all about, and you don’t want to miss out.

Joey Harty

Sporting KC, MLS
"Must-have course"

Applied Performance Coach is a must-have course for anyone looking to further their practical education using evidence-based means. Coach Ramsey provides foundational source material on all subject matter with a thought-provoking weekly lecture that welcomes open dialogue among all coaches in real time. There’s high quality, applicable information to be gained for new and veteran coaches alike by joining Team APC.

Andy King

San Francisco Giants, MLB
"Class of his own"

Ramsey is in a class of his own. His combination of knowledge, experience, and class sets him apart from the rest. Whatever this man does needs all your attention and respect.

Cory Schlesinger

Detroit Piston, NBA
"Best on the market"

Coach Ramsey has put together the best professional development course on the market. You can tell from the first lecture how passionate he is about helping you develop and that passion is contagious. The course is tough and challenging but you won't find another professional development course that will truly help you become a better coach than this.

Taran Smith

APC Alumni
"Set the standard"

Dr. Nijem's APC course has set the standard for continuing education. He provides his cohorts with the skills necessary to effectively apply research, leadership, and personal development. As both a coach and educator, Dr. Nijem has given me resources to further bridge the gap between academia and the weight room. I highly recommend this course to any coach, healthcare professional, or clinician to better help athletes.

Dominic Defiesta

APC Alumni
"Beyond my expectations"

This course went beyond my expectations. In my role as a head athletic trainer, I try to help connect the sports medicine and performance departments. Prior to learning about this course, there seemed to be limited opportunities to grow in this space as an athletic trainer. I am truly thankful for this course because it opened me to new concepts and additional insights to other perspectives when it comes to performance. I have taken so much away from this course and was able to make some great connections while doing so! I can't wait to see what the future holds.

Nick Coyle

APC Alumni
"The best course I've ever taken."

By far the best course I have ever taken. Coach Ramsey will guide you through some of the most important topics of S&C. A must do course if you want to take your craft to the next level.

Roberto Iezzi

APC Alumni
"Worth every dollar"

This course is the best there is. The topics are covered in depth to cement a strong theoretical understanding and then the lecture really drives home the practical applications and real life ways to apply the theory. Ramsey is incredibly generous with his time and knowledge, even if you can’t make the lectures the recordings make you feel like you were there. On top of that, everyone else in the course is incredibly open and welcoming when you reach out to them. Genuinely sad that the course is coming to an end, worth every dollar.

Uday Barooah

APC Alumni
"A ton of knowledge"

It's a great investment if you are in the S&C world. You will get a ton of knowledge on recent studies and overviews that keeps you up to date in the field. Even though I have a Masters degree this course takes you deeper with a lot of practical applications. Ram is a top class coach and person and he is raising the bar of what a modern day strength coach should be! I'm proud to be the part of the fam

Rok Razdevesk

APC Alumni
"The best decision I made"

This course is the best decision I have made during my journey as Strength and Conditioning professional. Dr. Ramsey is truly a special person, as it is so evident how much he cares. He truly wants to see his community succeed and will do anything he can to bring others up with him along the ride. I cannot recommend this course enough, as it is a must for anyone looking to exponentially grow in this field.

Danny Robertson

APC Alumni
"The best option"

The APC course is far and away the best option for practical continuing education currently in the field. This course touches on every topic a modern Performance Coach needs to work at a high level. I would recommend it to any coach serious about leveling up!

Phillip Nash

APC Alumni
"There's something here for you"

I cannot say enough positive things about this course. Whether you’re new to coaching athletes or been in the game for 10+ years there is something here for you. This is not a cake walk course- but a thorough, well- rounded overview of all aspects of S&C lead by someone who is clearly passionate about building better practitioners in our field.

Ashleigh Beaver

APC Alumni

Frequently Asked Questions

Approximately how many hours per week is required?

We have estimated the coursework, communication, and participation to require 5-10 hours per week.

How is this learning experience delivered?

This learning experience is delivered via an online learning platform that functions similar to an online academic class.

Do I need to be an experienced coach?

No. While the topics we cover may be advanced at times, experience is not a pre-requisite.

Can international students enroll?

Yes, this is a great continuing education opportunity for international coaches. The course is only offered in English.

Is a Bachelors degree required?

No. A Bachelors degree is not required. However, understanding the fundamental principles of S&C will help, and a willingness to read and actively engage is a must.

Does time zone difference matter?

No. The course can be done on your own time so time zone is irrelevant. The live lectures are recorded and uploaded for coaches to watch at their convenience.

Is this course NSCA CEU Approved?

Yes. The APC Course is NSCA CEU Approved for 2.0 Units, or 20 Credit Hours, in Category C.

Is this course board accredited?

No. This course is not 3rd party accredited.

Are Lectures Recorded?

Yes, all live lectures are recorded and uploaded same day so you can watch on-demand on your own time and review as needed.


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